
Ontario Purple Martin Association

Join and receive the following Benefits:

  • Free admission to membership meetings
  • Sharing of martin housing innovations and experiments
  • Speakers sharing their interests and experiences
  • Organized colony site visits, workshops, and field trips
  • Nine newsletters a year
  • Club library for borrowing books, martin accessories, etc.
  • A member website

**** Membership is $20 Canadian per year ****

Please mail this completed form, along with a cheque or money
order (payable to The Ontario Purple Martin Association) to:

Ontario Purple Martin Association, c/o Al Hamill, Treasurer
2643 County Rd. 20,
Harrow. Ontario. NOR 1G0

Pay by E-transfer.( This is an
automatic deposit. No special password required

Please contact anyone below for more information.

Paul Hamel     Chair   519-738-3476

Al Hamill          Treasurer – 519-738-6932 – alhamill70@gmail com

Mary Wilson    Secretary     519-984-5701

  • Annual Membership dues:   $20.00
    • are the same for a single or family membership.
    • cover January to December
    • are payable beginning in January and must be received by end of April.
    • may be paid at the March or April meeting, or submitted via the other options below.
      Options:    Dues can be paid by cheque, cash, or e-transfer, and receipts will be issued for all. Cheques:   Payable to Ontario Purple Martin Association or OPMA and mailed to the Treasurer: Al Hamill, 2643 County Rd. 20, Harrow, On  N0R 1G0 E-transfer:    To do an e-transfer from most financial institutions (some may charge a fee):
    1. Log onto the bank site.
    2. Go to Interac
    3. Set up a recipient name (this can be whatever you want) SuggestionOntario Purple Martin.    (This will stay there until you delete it.)
    4. Put in the email address
    5. You will need to confirm this email address.
    6. Go back to the Interac transfer page and:
      • put in your bank account from which the money will be withdrawn;
      • the amount (see above)
      • fill in the recipient name (you can put in a message if you choose (year OPMA membership), but it is not necessary.
      • Usually, it then says “SEND” or “NEXT” and it is done.