About Us

About Us
We believe in the power of Purple Martins to ignite discovery and inspire action. Remember our bird friends in Tomorrowland. Our single goal is to help you to understand the plight we are facing in Ontario to stop the declining population of Purple Martins. Our members will get to know you, and your colony site to set clear expectations, create a plan, and report your Purple Martin success.
Knowledge and Information

More About The OPMA
From its very beginning, the Ontario Purple Martin Association has grown into a successful voice in providing up-to-date Ontario Purple Martin Information. Many call upon the membership to assist them with their Martin problems which may include House Sparrows or Starlings and other predators. Emergency feeding will assist you to preserve your colony during inclement situations when the Purple Martins cannot acquire sufficient food.
The photo to the side shows Purple Martins enjoying a fair-weather day, basking in the sun and taking a rest from feeding. Most of the housing shown here are a modified aluminum style with deep compartments and starling resistant entrances.
Our Board is more than happy to answer any questions you have about Purple Martins, Meetings, or our Membership.
Contact any of our Executive for further information.
Paul Hamel Chairperson 519-738-3476
Al Hamill Treasurer 519-738-6932-alhamill70@gmail.com
Mary Wilson Secretary 519-984-5701
Fern Bellavance Lending Library
Ron Delcourt Bird Banding
Audrey Festeryga
Marie Anne Knapp
Dennis Shady Membership
Ken Winter
Carolyn Recker Goodwill Ambassador
Nancy Robson Media